Sunday, 25 November 2012

Goalkeeper lost time to save a life

In the field, the role of the goalkeeper is to save the goal, but for Chris Seitz, off the field, is now saving a life. It all started in 2009 when a player of American Real Salt Lake found that the woman had leukemia. The entire squad signed up as donor marrow to try to help, but by August, neither player was compatible with no patients in need of transplants.

But this summer the situation changed and the goalkeeper was contacted to be compatible with a patient with leukemia. The tests showed that more complete Chris Seitz had the highest compatibility, however, the procedure was not as straightforward as in most cases. In order to help, Seitz would have to undergo surgery in the pelvic area. After small incisions, one needle withdraws material for transplantation.

This procedure requires a few days of rest in a donor 'normal', but for an athlete meant losing the rest of the season. The recovery is slow and prevents sudden movements, violent crashes, races, ie everything that is part of everyday life of a goalkeeper.

The goalkeeper warrants did not hesitate, but, after all, had to ask permission to the club and did not know what would be the reaction of those responsible. The president of the Real Salt Lake, himself a survivor of cancer, raised no issues and got a replacement for the goal.

"I could not help me emote. There are people who are not able to give blood, and he is willing to do such a surgery to try to save the life of someone you do not know and may not even result, "said Schellas Hyndman, club coach in statements to 'ESPN'.

Chris Seitz says it says not a day goes by without think of the person who received the transplant, but besides not being able to know who is, you still need to wait a few months to see if the procedure worked.

A few days after the operation Chris Seitz says she felt like an old, out of power, but was gradually recovering but still not knowing what his professional future for next season. However, the Major League Soccer awarded him the prize for "Humanitarian of the Year".